Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Elevator Revelation

So there's a guy in front of me in the elevator, and he keeps pressing the "Door Close" button but people keep running into the elevator just as the doors are closing.  They stick a hand in right at the last second: a purse, a leg, anything just to catch what feels like the last functioning elevator on Earth.  It happened about four times and you could see the impatience growing in this guy as he continues to press the "Door Close" button after each interruption.  I kept watching him, feeling a bit disgusted at his human nature, but then I stopped and remembered that I've done the same thing and felt just as annoyed as he must be feeling, especially when I've been in a rush.  It brought me back to Psych 101 all over again: the traits you most dislike in other people are the same traits you dislike the most in yourself. 
This is so true.
I wish I had more patience with people.  I have lots of patience for children, and for a select few others, but that's about it.  Back in that elevator moment, I thought to myself that maybe I should try to be more patient because that really wasn't a good look for that guy.  It didn't make him seem very nice, although he may actually have been a saint of a man and was just having a bad day.  I supposed that I could try to be more patient, but let's face it: I can't always be in a good mood, and little things might piss me off occasionally, as hard as I may try not to let it bother me.  And if I'm PMS'ing, then it's really over. I honestly can't help that!
I guess my point is, the next time you dislike or judge someone, think about why you are doing so.  You might just learn a little about yourself in the process.  Even if you don't end up doing anything about it.

1 comment:

  1. I dunno, I actually like holding the door for people. I personally like it when it is about to close and I stick a hand in there and then proceed to walk in with a cool step and tilt to my head. Interesting point on people disliking traits in others that they identify in themselves.
