Monday, March 1, 2010

After We Die

I hope that when I pass from this life that I will be able to know all I ever wanted to know and I'll finally learn the truth about everything I ever wondered about.  I hope it will all be revealed to me in one luminous moment and if I discover anything unpleasant, I wouldn't get mad about it because I'd understand why things happened the way they did.  With death I hope comes understanding and finally, peace. 
I don't believe in heaven or God.  I'm not even sure I believe in what I'm hoping for right now.  I think I just want it to be this way.  But believing in this gives me some sort of relief, and isn't that the whole reason people believe in this stuff anyway? 
I believe in reincarnation, but I hope that before I begin another life, all the answers will be revealed to me from the previous one.  Or else it'll feel like I just spent a very long time reading a great book but never got to read the ending where it's all supposed to come together in a glorious finale.

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